And while Trickster supplies the closer, it just lacks the HRRRRRRAAGH The staff version just isn't quite the same. I could probably run only Cerberus but the lack of a stinger equivalent just feels bad. It feels like it'll randomly switch on me and then I'll spend 5-10 seconds doing moves I don't want to do because something is not accepting my back + melee input to change.

I really dislike how it's a transform weapon, though. I can use Balrog for slow, huge damage hits, fast small damage hits, and everything in between. I find it the worst combination of weapon qualities: It's characterized by extremely slow attacks and does many small damage hits which makes it feel like it has zero impact. I dislike Cavalier beyond the cool factor.
#Dmc 5 weapons plus#
Plus i'm not too bothered about maximising my style points i'm more focused on unlocking those super costumes, which i will probably get by cheesing DmD the first time by using a ton of gold orbs then trying a no gold orb run using the costumes. I'm not really feeling any urge to master all weapons at once i have enough on my plate from having 3 separate characters each with their own play style and controls. I will probably save using Cerberus or Balrog + Ebony and Ivory as an alternative way to play after i stop playing and return again after some time. I'm guessing it helps a lot with style ranking but honestly i think i will prefer staying with a single combo at all times, Devil Sword Dante + Coyote A i really like. But iv'e only just reached Dante in SoS mode so i have not really begun switching weapons during battle at all, switching styles quickly yes but not weapons.

So far i have had the switch weapon buttons to each alternate between 2, which are Ebony+Ivory/Coyote A and Devil Sword Dante/Cerberus.